Re: permissions

Howard the Energizer (
Tue, 17 May 1994 11:43:14 -0400

In a message posted Tuesday, May 17 Bruce Barnett writes:

> Speaking of which, have people used my trojan perl script I posted earlier?
> I think I only got one bugfix, and one report of the results.
> Sounds like a lot of people asked for it, but never used it....
> If you did act on the results, (i.e. change the permission of some
> directories, etc.) did it have any ramifications?  Did any code break?
> Should I post it to other mailing lists? Or is it too buggy?

I certainly found it useful, and as far as I know few people have
funky sym-links like foo -> ../../../bar/foo 

The only other problem I ran into, was that it wedged a sun386i when I
ran it (probably becuase it ran out of swap space).

It didn't break anything here.

Howard Bampton                     
Sys Admin, UT Knoxville, Tennessee  Even the walls of Jericho fell.....